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need help

dejanovicp: compliance, reporting from Serbia .. My mother received ten injections imunofan and sixth day after the end of the receipt there is bleeding. has no pain or other simptome.Bio is a cancer of the bladder. Could you tell me whether these are all triggered injection, the entire immune system and has been discharged, the cleaning bladder. Thank you for your reply, all the best for the new year and happy Christmas Holidays

Ответов - 6

dejanovicp: Hello

dejanovicp: Hello, i would like to add some questions. She got 10 injections,one per a day, but i would like to know, how many days need to pass untill she needs to get a new set of injections (the second set), and also, how many injections she needs to get in the second series? She is still a little bit bleeding...i beg you for some answers. Greatings from Belgrade, Serbia. Thank you

UVS: Извините ,я не совсем поняла диагноза ввашей мамы: У неё я так понимаю рак мочевого пузыря.. Назаначилили ей химиотерапию? Былали у нее операция? можно немного подробнее получить информацию?

Molly: ага

Петар: Уважени колеги, если у вас опит в примение имунофана в АЛС? В етому пациенту придружена хроничная цистицеркоз к АЛС. Спасибо

UVS: Вы мне написалаи,но вопрос я так и не поняла

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